Flood Funeral Directors, Funeral Home


Many varieties of beautifully finished coffins can be viewed in our showroomsMany varieties of beautifully finished coffins

 When should you contact the Funeral Director?

We consider our firm to be more a service than a business. It is because of this fact that we are on call 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. We prefer that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can consider the situation and advise you of the best options in order to make things more comfortable for you and any other person involved.

Arranging the Funeral

Our service to you starts the moment you contact us to a point beyond when the deceased is finally laid to rest. The arrangements themselves can be made on our premises, in the hospital, nursing home or at your home whereupon we may advise removal to the funeral home or for the deceased to be laid out in their own home.

Order your headstones now from Flood's Monumental Services

Wide selection of natural stone headstones available from Flood's Monumental Services

Services Provided

Care and Presentation

At Floods we know that a funeral is much more than just transport of the deceased to the church and the ceremony. It is often forgotten that the care of a loved one has been entrusted to the Funeral Director there we aim to ensure the minimum amount of distress to the bereaved when they say their final goodbye.

We take exceptional care in laying out the deceased as we feel this is of utmost importance to the comfort of the family. Embalming in all cases is considered very important. The last time a family may have seen a loved one may have been a very distressing memory, that is – in the hospital or in a mortuary for the purpose of identification. We believe that in asking us to look after a member of your family, you would like to be certain that the best that could be done for your loved one ... has been done.

Pat qualified as an Embalmer in 1997 and embalms for other Funeral directors in the Wexford / Wicklow area.